Atmospheric Sciences Computer Lab


The Department of Atmospheric Sciences computer lab provides our students with access to iMac desktop computers for atmospheric analysis and visualization. Students are encouraged to use the lab at any time other than when it is needed for class instruction.


Getting started

  • You can log into any iMac in 711 WBB using your campus unid and password.


  • You will have a separate home directory and account on any iMac you log into. This home directory and account is created the first time you log into an iMac. As a result, it is recommended that you:


    • Make a habit of using the same iMac


    • Keep copies of important files on a thumb drive, your home computer, or a cloud service you subscribe to. The computers are not backed up and should not be used for long-term storage.


  • If asked, select create a new keychain when you first login to an iMac.


    Running the IDV

  • To run the IDV, open a terminal window and enter idv at the command prompt.


  • Once IDV is running, click on Tools->Plugin Manager and see if Miscellaneous>Time Matching is listed under the installed plugins. If it isn't, click on Miscellaneous under the Available Plugins list and then click on the plus sign by Time Matching to install it.


  • Within the plugin manager, install the following plugins if they aren't already: Color Tables->WSR Radar Color Tables, Maps->US. Highways and Roads, Maps->U.S. Rivers and Lakes, Data Sources->MesoWest Chooser.


  • Then, go to the Edit->Preferences->System tab and set the memory to use 80% of the available memory. Close IDV and restart to make these changes take effect.


  • Information on running the IDV is available here. Frequently used bundles for weather discussion, classes, or general weather analysis can be accessed from Display->Favorite Bundles. Users can also make their own bundles and save them as favorites or files.